It is my passion and ambition to add quality to the wardrobe of the self-confident woman through elegant, feminine lines and high standards of wearing comfort.
The excellent fit, combined with a special attention to detail, have given SABETH a remarkably timeless character since 1986. An additional plus point is exclusivity. All models are manufactured only in small series. The success is partly due to the distinct signature with clear and consistent vision, also appreciated internationally. The designs are innovative and are brought in durable and rich materials (size 36 to 46). On orders, we charge only 10-15% extra manufacturing costs, depending on the waistline.
In addition to the prêt à porter collection, you will find basics remade in other colours and materials. The whole is complemented by carefully selected accessories and shoes.
If you have a wedding or something else to celebrate, you can also come to SABETH for an original dress.
By appointment, I will gladly make time for you. You can put together your own ensemble from existing models and colours, from size 34 to 54 and up, even intermediate sizes are possible (delivery time between 3 and 4 weeks).
Accessories can also be specially ordered to match your outfit and averse to any ordinariness.