La Poussinière (Testudo)
Peter De Cleyn La Poussinière
varying clay compositions, sintering gobe, metal wire
7x (15 x 15 x 15 cm)
"' La Poussinière ' is a short piece for lute by Jacques Gallot (c.1625 - c.1695). 'Le vieux Gallot de Paris' was a leading lutenist-composer, student of Ennemond Gaultier to whom he gave the ' Allemande, Le Bout De dedicated L'An de Mr. Gautier' to none other than Robert de Visée ( c.1655 – c.1732) wrote a Tombeau in memory of Gallot, a genre in which Gallot himself was very good. One of Gallot's works 'La Colomba' was included in the famous orchestral suite by Ottorino Respighi: Gli Uccelli, De Vogels. Would Gallot have had a chicken coop in mind with La Pousinière or rather a star constellation with the same name? Let's assume that, given his chaconne 'La Com è te', he preferred to look at the stars than at the chicks at his feet. The seven spherical objects refer to the seven Poussinières or Pleiades . While their father Atlas carried the heavens on his shoulders, they were harassed by Orion, the womanizer. Zeus then turned them - for protection - into a group of stars known as the Seven Stars. One star turned out to be barely visible: Merope. She shrouded herself in darkness out of shame for her marriage to a mortal.”